Bullying is a major issue across the country today. Not only does bullying affect the self-esteem of our youth but, now we are seeing higher incidents of suicide amongst our youth. It's becoming too hard for them to handle and they don't know how to cope. As adults, we have a responsibility to equip our children with the right coping mechanisms and direct them towards the "right" behaviors. More importantly, we have to KEEP WATCH! REDIRECT them when they go off track and nip negative behavior in the bud when we see it.

Jackie P Taylor's organization, Success Ladder Enterprises, publishes a variety of materials to assist educators and organizations in combatting bullying for all ages. Success Ladder also provides anti-bullying programs, workshops and assemblies.

It is VERY important to instill the right values in our youth early, START THE CONVERSATION. To help you, Success Ladder has produced a short antibullying video for parents/educators to initiate the discussion with the younger children.
